
My blog details all the fantastic "pins" I've actually made! Enjoy!

DIY Halloween Spider Hand Print and Ghost Foot Print Canvas October 30, 2012

A friend of mine created some Halloween canvas art using her son’s hand print and foot print.  I’ve seen this project posted on Pinterest, too.  She did two separate pieces of art (one hand print spider and one foot print ghost).  Since I only had one canvas per child, I decided to combine the spider and ghost on one canvas.



1.)  Canvas – any size that will fit a hand print and a foot print.

2.)  Acrylic paint – I used purple for the background, white for the ghost, and black for the spider.

3.)  White paint pen.

4.)  Paint brushes.

5.)  Googly eyes.

6.)  Glue

7.)  Wooden letters – optional.



1.)  Paint your canvas in any color you like.  I chose a deep purple.  I ended up doing 6 layers of paint to get a good background.



2.)    Draw a spider web using the white paint pen.


3.)  Using a foam paint brush, paint your child’s hand black and stamp it on top of the spider web.  Make sure to paint on a good thick layer of paint and stamp immediately for best results.  It’s helpful to have a second adult on hand to quickly whisk away your child to clean off their hands and feet.


4.)  Using a foam paint brush, paint your child’s foot white and stamp it on the canvas.


5.)  Allow time for the ghost and spider to dry.

6.)  Glue googly eyes on the spider and paint on a mouth.

7.)  Paint eyes and a mouth on the ghost.  I used purple, but black would look good, too.

8.)  Personalize the artwork by writing your child’s name and year at the bottom.

9.)  Use a paint pen to write “BOO” or “EEK” somewhere on the canvas.  I didn’t trust my handwriting, so I painted some wooden letters black and glued them on.




Hand Print Spider Halloween Craft October 19, 2012

My daughter’s preschool class is having a Halloween party and I’m in charge of coordinating one craft for the party.  I searched Pinterest for some cute ideas and decided on this adorable hand print spider.  I decided to try it out before the party.  The girls enjoyed getting a little dirty.  I’d recommend rolling up the sleeves and having a bunch of baby wipes on hand for the mess!  For the party, I went ahead and cut all the paper, drew the spider webs, and wrote in the year.  All the kids will have to do at the party is stamp their hand prints and add the googly eyes.




1.)  Orange construction paper.

2.)  Scissors or paper cutter.

3.)  White colored pencil, crayon, or paint marker.

4.)  Black paint.

5.)  Sponge paint brush.

6.)  Googly eyes.

7.)  Glue.




1.)  Cut a piece of construction paper in half.


2.)  Using a white writing tool, (I used a colored pencil) draw a spider web.



3.)  Cover your child’s hand in black paint (do not paint the thumb).



4.)  Carefully place your child’s hand on the paper, partially covering the web.


5.)  Repeat with the other hand.  When you stamp the second hand, overlap part of the palm.


6.)  Glue two googly eyes on the spider.


7.)  Once the black paint has dried a bit, you can draw on a smiley face.


8.)  Add the year and your child’s name to the bottom of the paper.  I added my kids’ names after I snapped the picture!



Pinterest Pinhttp://pinterest.com/pin/40391727879428291/

Inspiration http://happeningsoftheharperhousehold.net/2010/10/hand-print-spider-halloween-card/

Time:  20 minutes



Gumdrop Wreath for Candyland Party August 28, 2012

I made this cute gumdrop wreath for Sophie’s Candyland party.  It was a very simple project.  All you need is a foam wreath, a few bags of gumdrops, and hot glue.  Make sure to use the “low” setting on your glue gun or you might end up with some burns!  I didn’t glue the gumdrops all the way around the wreath because I’m going to display it on King Kandy’s Candy Castle table with all the sweets.  Check out the fun sign that I placed inside the wreath.  I used a few sewing pins to attach the sign to the wreath.



Pinterest Pin: http://pinterest.com/pin/40391727879062281/


Time:  45 minutes max!